Nat Jarvis supporting SRtRC During the Fortnight of Action 11 |
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Your questions along with a reply from Nat will be below in this blog.
The best question selected by Nat will receive a pair of Cardiff City Tickets for a up coming game.
Craig Astley - Q:Although racism has been highlighted recently do u think there other forms of discrimination that should b highlighted too?
NJ: For me personally religion and age are two types of discrimination which are near enough as important as racism. Everyday people get discriminated because of their age, someone being 'too old' to get a job for example. Its the same with religion, people are looked upon differently by others because of their religion. All 3 types of discrimination are very common, some people don't even realise.
NJ: I think if a player racially abuses another player then they should be fined with their wages, given a hefty ban from the game, have to be educated about racism and discrimination and maybe some work with the public educating others on racism.
Cameron Powell - After all the racism over the last couple of months coming into the football game My question to you is ... If A player racially abuses another what should they're punishment be?